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Email Headers: What can they tell the forensic investigator?

Email headers contain important information about the origin and path an email took before arriving at its final destination, including the sender’s IP address, internet service provider, email client, and even location. The information could be used to block future emails from the sender (in the case of spam) or to determine the legitimacy of a suspicious email. A review of the headers can also help to identify “header spoofing,” a strong indication [...]

Coffee With An Intern: John M

I’ve been interning with Alӯn, Inc. for a little over 6 months and am currently focusing in Digital Forensics. After sharing some of my career goals with a friend, he mentioned that he knew of a company worth reaching out to. Upon learning more about Alӯn, Inc. and all they were doing in the Cyber Security industry, I assumed such a company would have limited time to communicate with someone new to the [...]

By |June 9th, 2018|Categories: Coffee with an Intern|Tags: , |
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